Few CPA firms see tax season as the time for investing hours
in business development. But those who have, have come to realize that there is
no better time to evaluate the service experience for your clientele and talk
about issues that matter the most to your very best clients.

Like it or not, your clients rate getting their taxes done
as one of their least favorite activities. This year you should commit to
improving your clients experience and your revenue thereby making this the most
successful tax season you have ever had. While filing the clients taxes is
certainly important many even more critical opportunities to assist your
clients exist during tax season. Clients want to know how to maximize their
retirement accounts and minimize taxes. They want to know how to minimize the
devastating effects on their nest eggs from the risk of living too long, low
interest rates, market volatility, excessive taxation, and long-term care
expenses. Study after study indicate that clients want you to take an active
role in resolving these issues.
The time to do this is during tax season. Accountants are
often their clients most trusted advisors. They possess highly specialized,
financial skills. Those two things position them well to give financial
planning advice. Yet many accountants and tax professionals are reluctant to
add this potentially lucrative service to their practice or to team up with an
outside advisory firm to provide.
Many of the most successful firms have felt compelled to
enter the wealth preservation field. These accountants are committed to the
clients well-being and want to provide them with top-notch advice. They also
recognize that clients want them involved.

During this informative 60 minute webinar we will discuss
why so many accountants and tax professionals are expanding into offering
financial and wealth preservation strategies to their clients. Smart firms
understand this is an excellent added value that deepens clients relationships,
encourages retention and is ultimately a driver of revenue growth. This webinar
will share important insights on the role of an account in providing financial
planning advice and explains how you can overcome the challenges holding you
back, sharpen your skills, and create a practice that steers clear of conflicts
of interest.
But without the right partner, training and support, it can
be a big undertaking full of challenges. During this webinar will discuss how
America's Tax Solutions can make 2016 tax season your best one ever.
America’s Tax Solutions™ has helped hundreds of accountants
grow your practice and serve your clients best interest simultaneously. During
this informative 60 minute webinar we will highlight the journey of one
accountant transitioned his practice by offering wealth preservation strategies
for his clients and how he overcame the challenges to become one of the top
accounting firms in his community.
Register using this link for the webinar today.
America’s Tax Solutions™ is the leader in the accounting
profession in helping people build successful wealth preservation practices
within their existing tax practice.
Please use the link above to sign up for this extraordinary
webinar today.
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