Sometimes terminology gets confusing with respect to IRAs.
Here are just a few definitions of IRA terms and concepts that are commonly
asked about:
RBD: The Required Beginning Date or RBD is the date that
required minimum distributions must begin for all IRA owners, which is April 1st
of the year following the year an owner turns 70½. If your RBD happens to fall on
a holiday or weekend, the RBD will be the following business day.
RMD: The Required Minimum Distribution or RMD is the minimum
amount an IRA owner must withdraw each year from an IRA after his or
her RBD. An IRA owner can always take out more than the RMD. There are no RMDs
for owners of Roth IRAs but beneficiaries of inherited Roth IRAs are
still subject to RMD rules.

TRUSTEE-TO-TRUSTEE TRANSFER: This is a transfer of
IRA funds that are sent, usually electronically, from an IRA and received
directly by another IRA. Unlike a rollover, there is no limit to the number of
trustee-to-trustee transfers each year.
conversion is when a traditional IRA (or SEP or SIMPLE IRA) is changed into a
Roth IRA. The character of the funds is changed and income taxes will become
due on the converted amount in the year of the conversion.
RECHARACTERIZATION: The term recharacterization is
used when referring to a traditional IRA that has been converted to a Roth IRA
but the owner wants to “undo” the conversion. Recharacterization is also used
to refer to a Roth IRA contribution that an owner wishes to change into a
traditional IRA contribution.
RECONVERSION: When an IRA owner converts a traditional
IRA to a Roth IRA, then recharacterizes it to “undo” that conversion, but later
decides that the conversion to a Roth IRA was a good idea after all; the traditional
IRA is now going to be reconverted from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. *You
cannot convert and reconvert during the same tax year or, if later, during
the 30-day period following a recharacterization. If you reconvert during
either of these periods, it will be a failed conversion.
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